Red Pepper Jam with a vanilla aroma, and cucumber with honey
Ingredients for 4 people
- 2 large red peppers
- 100 g sugar
- 1 stick of vanilla
- 1 cucumber
- 2 tablespoons honey
- 12 puff pastry or 12 small squares of toast with butter
- 1 sprig of fresh mint
Preparation :
Chop the peppers in “brunoise” style (very finely diced) and gently boil with the sugar and vanilla until it just reaches threading point. Flute the cucumber and slice into 12 rounds. Finely chop the mint leaves.
Serving instructions : Fill the tarts with the jam. Place tarts and cucumber slices alternately on the plate (3 per person), pur the honey onto the cucumber slices and sprinkle on the chopped mint.