El Ejido SICTED destination
The SICTED (Integral System of Tourist Quality in Destination), is a project promoted by the State Secretariat of Tourism (SET), together with the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP) and financed entirely by the Town Council of El Ejido.
It is aimed at tourism companies and services, based on specific Manuals of Good Practices, depending on the sector, and with the fulfilment of the same, the “Commitment to Tourism Quality” label is awarded.
The SICTED means much more than a simple distinction or individual certification, since its main objective is to establish a minimum of homogeneous quality throughout El Ejido as a destination and to strengthen the collaboration between private enterprise and the administration, in order to promote the business network and the satisfaction of customers / tourists.
There are 37 sectors in which practically all the services and companies in our municipality have a place: Beaches, Restaurants, Accommodation, Leisure Parks, Cafeterias-Bars, Taxis and so on.
In Spain there are over 252 SICTED Destinations, with more than 10,100 companies adhering to the programme and around 6,600 companies already displaying the SICTED logo at their entrance. It is worth noting that 57 Destinations are in Andalusia with around 1,200 companies already certified. To date, El Ejido is the fourth destination in Andalusia in terms of the number of certified companies.
Since 2015, when El Ejido Town Council registered as a “Tourist Destination” until 2023, companies have been joining the programme, we have been training and advising them to standardise quality in the different sectors throughout the municipality. Currently, there are 54 distinguished companies in the following sectors: beaches, restaurants, bars-cafeterias, golf courses, tourist office, accommodation, shops, among others.
For more information, please visit the SICTED official website: www.calidadendestino.es
Benefits for companies:
- Free of charge.
- Improves internal management.
- Increases staff qualification and motivation.
- Receive technical assistance to support improvement in the company.
- Promotion and dissemination at national and international level (by SICTED Spain and by the promotions carried out by Destination El Ejido itself: tourist guides, press, fairs, etc.).
- Differentiation from the competition through the badge.
- It makes it easier to obtain grants.
- There is the possibility of receiving technical level courses financed by the Secretary of State for Tourism, the Andalusian Regional Government, the European Union and the Town Council.
Benefits that SICTED provides to El Ejido destination:
- Homogeneous quality in tourist services and companies.
- Increases tourist/customer satisfaction.
- Encourages loyalty.
- Increases the involvement and participation of businessmen and businesswomen in the tourist development of El Ejido as a Destination
Contact us:
El Ejido Town Council Tourism Department
E-mail: infoturismo@elejido.es
Phone: +34 950 54 10 27
If you want to get directly in touch with SICTED you can do it through its website: www.calidadendestinos.es.
SICTED companies in EL EJIDO
Choose a category or click on see all to see the complete list of companies.