Sustainable practices on the beach
Tips for making a good use of the beach
- Respect the peace and the rest of the beach users.
- The beach belongs to everyone, you should collaborate with its preservation by respecting the fauna and flora
- Save water, use the showers and footbaths only for as long as necessary. We remind you that the use of soap or shampoo in the showers is not allowed.
- Collect any food scraps and other waste and dispose of them in the containers. Don’t forget to check the place you’ve occupied before leaving.
- Cigarette butts are not biodegradable, do not use the sand to put them out and do not throw them on the sand.
- Don’t go to the beach with pets during the summer season so as not to disturb other beach users.
- Use the car parks provided without occupying the spaces reserved for people with reduced mobility.
- To access the beach, please use the areas set aside for pedestrians.